
Engineer Spotlight – Ross Solberg

A beer brewing, classic rock-loving Navy veteran living in Jacksonville, FL, Ross Solberg is a MoFe rockstar! Ross is a Sightpath MoFe engineer for the state of Florida, which keeps him busy with laser cataract surgery. Over the last six years he’s been with Sightpath, he’s worked on almost 7,500 eyes! An engineer’s job is always changing and keeps people on their toes.

“As engineers, we wear a whole bunch of hats,” he says. “We are ambassadors to Sightpath. We are truck drivers. We are maintenance men. We are troubleshooters. We are administrators. We are a physician’s assistant.” Our engineers truly are a jack-of-all-trades!

An advantage of having Sightpath engineers on-site during surgery day is that these engineers are experts at solving problems and troubleshooting the lasers, preventing canceled case days. Ross recalled a time where he had to problem solve on the road, “I’ve had minor laser issues. You just tweak the laser each case until a bigger fix is available, but these tweaks would never involve sacrificing safety.” 

When asked about his favorite part of the job, Ross said, “I’m a chatty person, so I love talking with patients when time allows. I deal with a whole bunch of people from all walks of life that have great stories.” He went on to tell of a story of a past patient who was a WWII veteran who had come in for surgery. “To be a part of restoring sight to a man that has given so much for the country is something truly special.”

Ross is one of the many wonderful MoFe engineers at Sightpath Medical. To read more spotlights, check out our blog periodically!