Sightpath Medical will offer Alcon’s Centurion Vision System as an option in its cataract surgery suite of equipment and services, according to a press release. A certified surgical technician will accompany the Centurion phacoemulsification system, the release said. Rollout is scheduled to begin by the end of the year in the upper Midwest, with nationwide access planned for 2014.
A research team composed of scientists from the Philippines, United Kingdom, and the United States found that – compared to manual clear corneal incisions (CCI) – femtosecond laser-constructed incisions achieve better wound sealability, a quality that may reduce the risk of surgical complications.
Discover the latest advancements in cataract surgery equipment and how it impacts precision, efficiency, and patient outcomes. Learn how Sightpath Medical provides cost-effective rental solutions to help ophthalmologists access cutting-edge technology without major capital investments.