Want to add some optimism to your facility? Try cataract surgery!
For many people, healthcare facilities are frightening places. You go to a hospital when someone is deeply unwell, when you need an invasive procedure, or when you’re about to hear bad news. Nosocomephobia – or the fear of hospitals – is a very real problem for healthcare professionals. Patients with this condition are unlikely to show up at your facility by their own volition.
How can you ease their fears?
Cataract surgery is a quick and easy win
Cataracts are one of the leading causes of age-related vision impairment in the United States. According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, roughly half of all Americans will have cataracts by age 75. Today more than 24 million Americans older than 40 are living with cataracts.
The good news is that cataract surgery is one of the most successful surgical procedures performed today, with an overall success rate greater than 98 percent.
Patients who receive cataract surgery also tend to report an increase in morale. In a survey conducted by Alcon, patients who received cataract surgery said they were happier (74%), more satisfied (76%), had a greater appreciation for their lives (68%), and felt more independent (87%) thanks to their clearer vision.
In other words, cataract surgery is an in-demand, highly successful procedure that leaves patients feeling satisfied and rejuvenated.
If you want to boost your facility’s reputation in the community, adding cataract surgery is the way to go!
We can help you get started
Sightpath Medical makes it easy to start offering cataract surgery at your hospital, ASC, or practice. We’ll provide you with all of the equipment you need including phaco machines, microscopes, instrument trays, and more. We even provide you with a trained surgical technologist who can act as an extra employee for the day.